Low-Carb Stuffed Portobellos

Last updated on 19-Jul-2019

I love portobello mushrooms! Who’s with me? They are delicious and very versatile. They can be made into side dishes, go into the main courses, or BE the main course! Here’s one quick, easy, cheesy, no-recipe dish for you to try, and it’s perfect for #meatlessmonday. I cook the mushrooms in my Air Fryer, but if you don’t have one, the oven works too.

All you need are some good-sized portobello caps (1 per serving), 1 or 2 tomatoes, 1 small onion, olive oil, and shredded cheese (e.g. mozzarella, cheddar, gouda, havarti, or any combination/type you prefer, including vegan varieties).

Then you dice your tomatoes and onions, season with olive oil, salt, and oregano (or another herb you prefer/have on hand). Clean the portobello caps, remove the stems, turn upside-down, top with some of the tomato mixture, add the cheese and put in the Air Fryer basket for 7-8 minutes at 180°C. In the oven, it could take a bit longer to cook the caps and melt the cheese. When the mushrooms start to wilt a bit, they are done.

For this meal, I served them with garlic asparagus and cauliflower mash for a low-carb vegetarian meal, but you can serve with your choice of sides, or along with a meat dish as a delicious side. Let me know if you try it!


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